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about all in hockey

All In Hockey caters to athletes who are about to begin or are in the process of playing high school/ prep school hockey. All In hockey focuses on all facets of the game. We incorporate intense on ice training sessions that mirror a high level high school/prep school practice with video and off ice training. You will not regret making the decision to join All In Hockey. Your hockey player will be begging you for more! 

6 steps to be "all in"

  1. Love - You have to love what you do in order for this to work. Love is the first step for a reason and without love you cannot make it to the next step. 

  2. Passion - When you love what you do passion becomes natural. When you have passion you will become a compelling force.

  3. Positive Energy - It is extremely important to be a positive light in a world that is constantly seeking to deploy negative energy to all of us. You have to be the positive light to those around as your energy is contagious. Your positive outlook will compel you to stay focused on the mission and drive toward your goals, especially when there is doubt from those around you. 

  4. Desire - The most successful people in the world had to have the will and desire to get to the top. Achieving success in anything is not easy and without a "burning desire" you will not be able to overcome the obstacles that get in your way. 

  5. Faith - We sometimes confuse "FAITH" & "BELIEVE" and it is important to distinguish the two. Believe is when you accept something as fact. Faith is a strong spiritual belief. For example, when we truly learn to trust the process that we created for our goal we have faith that the goal we are trying to achieve has already happened because we put forth the achieved goal into the universe as it already has been accomplished. 

  6. Believe - This step is extremely important and the most difficult. You have to believe in yourself. There is so much negativity in the world and there will always be someone telling you that you cannot make it. Your brain will also play tricks on you. You have to believe in yourself with conviction

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